There were at least 16 casualties and 21 injuries in violent attacks related to VEOs in Mali in October 2016. Out of 18 attacks MINUSMA forces were targeted 5 times, Malian Army 8 times, Barkhane forces 3 times, 1 civilian vehicle [ambulance at Malian Army...
Key members of the National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad (MNLA) split from the group and created Mouvement pour le Salut de l’Azawad (MSA). The MSA is an initiative led by two former MNLA figures, Moussa Ag Acharatoumane and Assalat Ag Habi. While...
Security situation in Mali remains a major concern due to ongoing attacks by violent extremist organizations (VEOs) against Malian, French, and the Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA). Similar to July, almost exclusively all the attacks...
Violent extremist organizations (VEOs) operating in Mali remained active and operational in Mali throughout the month of July, especially Ansar al-Din. Attacks conducted in Mali were mainly carried by Ansar al-Din, targeting mostly the Multidimensional Integrated...
Violent extremist organizations (VEOs) operating in Mali remained aggressive in June and deadly throughout northern and central Mali, especially Ansar al-Din. VEOs operational in Mali include Ansar al-Din, the Macina Liberation Front (MLF) or Ansar al-Din southern...
By Rida Lyammouri June 20th, 2016 On June 19th a new armed group emerged in central Mali, Alliance Nationale pour la Souvegarde de l’Identité Peule et la Restauration de la Justice (ANSIPRJ), roughly translated to the National Alliance for the Protection of...